
Saturday 28 March 2009

A Week in Review

Just some random picture I took.

What can I say about my week? I guess it was tiring. I prepared tests, graded assignments, got ready for classes, went to Taekwon-Do, did a Hapkido promotional test (which I passed), attended an 8:30 meeting where one colleague exploded in anger, spoiling my mood for the rest of the day, was told a“new responsibility” I have to perform that was not in my contract and which goes very much contrary to my convictions (so I’m going to ignore it and see what the future will hold), received notice about all the money I'm still in the red on my credit card because of my South African trip recently and the unexpected family crises that popped-up while I was there, causing me to use my credit card, which I'm paying off most from my March salary (hence I'll be quite poor during April and May), and the list goes on.

There were some highlights as well. I spent some time with a friend that I haven't seen in a very long time (she's not in Korea anymore and is visiting from the States for a couple of days), went to Daehangno and had great food, and enjoyed vespers (Sabbath evening, i.e. Friday night) at the church by the language institute where I used to teach. Also, this morning in my little cell group I got to share my view of God – NOT an arbitrary deity that says “You better love / obey / worship Me, or I’ll torture you in hell for all eternity”, but a God that values freedom of choice; a God that is unselfish. I hope that they find comfort in my understanding of God. I've also been listening to some good sermons this week.

Tonight I'm thinking to just stay home and watch some documentaries I've been planning to see. Tomorrow night I might have a friend or two over for dinner. And somewhere in between I need to do some grading of assignments and tests, wash laundry, do the dishes, clean my floors and go do some grocery shopping; maybe even visit a gallery.

So in all, probably a very ordinary week. One with its fare share of ups and downs.


  1. I am glad you had some good things happening to you. I did get concerned about those negative things. Is your family fine now?

  2. Things are, for the moment, stable. Thanks for asking.
