
Monday 9 March 2009

Birthday Bunnychows

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Last night I had some friends over for bunnychows. The latter is a South African dish: a bread, cut in halves (thirds or quarters), hollowed out and then filled with Indian curry. The idea of having bunnychows I kinda stole from my friend Joa, who did it for her birthday last year. Actually, I planned to make Thai Curry, but then Young told me that he often makes Thai Curry for himself, how about I make something South African. (So Joa, I didn't purposely steal your idea...)

Since my apartment is not really equipped for hosting lots of guests I only invited six people: two South Africans (Brian & Maike), two Koreans (Young & Angelina), and two Americans (Bessie & Corrie). Bessie and I work together in the English Department. Corrie also works on campus, but we are not in the same department; however, we live in the same building. This was the most people I have had in my apartment so far.

It was a quite pleasant evening. The curry was a success. For dessert I made a blueberry sauce to enjoy with yoghurt. It, too, came out quite well.

The reason for the occasion is actually a pre-emptive celebration of my birthday later this week. Unfortunately on the day of my birthday I will be too busy to celebrate it. I do, however, intend to spoil myself somehow – albeit a little later. I might go to the theatre this coming weekend.


  1. Happy early birthday! I haven't heard of "bunnychow" before. Sounds good.

  2. Thanks -- and a happy 'late' birthday to you.

    If you like Indian Curry, then you'll like bunnychow. It is one of my favourite South African dishes; however, it is not known by everyone in South Africa as it is unique to a specific region in South Africa, i.e. Durban, KwaZulu Natal.
