
Tuesday 6 January 2009

Movie Reviews -- Three disappointments

Following are three movies I went to see at the cinema last year, but could have skipped.

Eagle Eye

A cross between Enemy of the State (1998) and I, Robot (2004); but not for the better.


A vampire movie aimed at teenagers. It hoped to do be for the 2000s what The Lost Boys (1987) was for the 1980s. It failed. Twilight’s vampires are pretty, but not sexy; and the story spends too much time trying to reinvent the genre with little positive results. Disappointing – unless your 13.

Australia is somewhat of a fairytale in the same way Wale Rider (2003) was for New Zealand. The latter was just more successful in capturing the magic. Australia is also a romantic-comedy of sorts. Although I enjoyed it for what it was, I think Australia caters more for the female audience, with long shots focussed on the chiselled body of the beefy Hugh Jackman. Although showing some beautiful Australian landscapes, the movie fails miserably at being the one thing it tries so hard to be: an epic.

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