
Wednesday 31 December 2008

A Year in Retrospect

Wow, 2008 is one of those bookmark-years for me. Lots of changes and interesting experiences. Following are just a few of the highlights.


I spent time in KwaZulu Natal (Richardsbay, Mtunzini, Durban) with some of my closest friends and (adopted) family. It was my habit to spend New Year in Richardsbay or Mtunzini. My visit with Joa was especially emotionally nourishing. We have a very therapeutic effect on each other and tend to dissect each other’s brains. Such emotional nakedness can only happen when there is absolute mutual trust. I don’t like to “grade” friends, but there is little doubt in my mind – Joa is my closest friend.

At the beginning of January I made the curious comment that I wondered what 2008 will entail on the political front, both locally (South Africa) and internationally. I just had a gut feeling that 2008 would be an eventful year. Who could have guessed the things that would happen?!


I was challenged to a fight, but my years of martial art training helped me to keep my cool. For the good, or the bad, my calm response and assertive attitude dissuaded the would be attacker.

I fell in love.

Came to the conclusion that intelligent people are cursed to see the “real issues” and are incapable of being truly happy in the sick world we are living.

Started teaching the TEFL-course at university again.


Was best man for a friend’s wedding.

Realized that while true love is always selfless (unselfish), human love is usually tainted with self. Only God, who is completely self-fulfilled, can love selflessly. We on the other hand love, mostly for what we get from loving, even if it is just the “feeling” of giving or receiving love. Only God loves purely.

Turned 30.

Started to include eggs and cream in my diet to help extract heavy metals (e.g. mercury), which are only fat-soluble, and cannot be removed via a normal fruit and vegetable detox, or a purely vegan diet. Also include occasional animal products. This is however the exception to the rule.


Saw the movie Juno. The second best movie I saw for 2008, and one of my favourite films.

After much deliberation I accepted the job offer from the university in Korea.

Preached at the church in Potchefstroom on Freedom of Choice, the prerequisite for Love.


The girl and I got really serious.

Attended "Chicago" and introducing my partner to my closest friends.

Established that I like Greek yoghurt the best.

Registered for PhD.


Attended the wedding of two friends. One got married to the son of a South African Minister.

Got a great compliment: I kiss better than a woman.

Received a scholarship.


A friend passed away after slipping while caving.

I started to say farewell to friends and family in preparation for leaving Korea.

Saw Atonement. The third best movie I saw for 2008.

Saw Batman: The Dark Knight for the first time. Undoubtedly the best movie I saw in 2008, and a definite favourite.

Had some roller-coaster periods in my love-life, which led to some great poetry.

We broke up.

Submitted an anthology of poetry with a publisher.


God provided me the airfare to fly to Korea. Arrived in Korea on the 21st.


Started my new job as university lecturer in Korea.

Started with Hapkido again and took up Taekkyeon.

Met with old friends.


Settled into my new job and the Korean autumn.


Lost a tooth filling and had it fixed.

Attended "Evil Dead: The Musical".

Joined the ITF Taekwon-Do Dojang in Seoul.

I saw Across the Universe. It left a lasting impact.


Finished my first semester at the new job with a feeling of satisfaction and looking forward to my job the next year.

Was a the "host" (Korean equivalent of best man) at a friend's wedding and did the Korean "Ham"-ceremony the night before.

Went to Japan as part of the Korean Delegation for ITF Taekwon-Do and umpired at the annual Tokyo Regional Championships.


Of course such highlights do not honestly reflect a year's living, but at least it is testimony that I was busy with different things. And that, for me, is a life well lived; not stagnated in the same routine month in and month out, year in and year out.

I am thankful to God for a good year.

1 comment:

  1. Echoing your gratitude for the past year, God is great all the time all the way.

    Well!!! we are all somehow in search of epiphanies, in other words stimulation/intensity vs. significance/fulfilment.

    My prayer is to always win the battle between boring and stimulating.

    Lets take a leap to the New Year with praise.
