
Sunday 7 December 2008

South Korea's Circumcision Phenomenon

Warning: This post talks candidly about circumcision and related topics such as penises and sex.

Every so often I learn some new peculiar thing about Korea. My latest discovery (let me assure you, it was through word-of-mouth and reading) is the strange case of South Korea’s circumcision phenomenon. In its over 4000 year history, the male Korean was never circumcised. Circumcision is not part of their historic religions, or their culture. But since the Korean War, and exposure to America soldiers, Korea started a strange circumcision craze. While very few men over 70 years in Korea are circumcised, over 95% of Korean men between the ages of 12-20 are circumcised. Recent research says that the male circumcision rate has overtook the birth rate. Unlike in America where circumcision happens mostly as a neonatal (baby) procedure, circumcision in Korea happens around the age of twelve. Now while it is a myth that baby boys feel little pain and are not traumatized by circumcision, I’m sure it is at a psychological level better to be circumcised as a baby than later in life. In a communal society like Korea, the power of group-pressure is exceptional and pre-teen Korean boys are forced into something that is unnecessary.

Let me expand on why I believe circumcision is unnecessary in general and particularly in Korea. Korean men are made to believe that circumcision is a universal occurrence and necessity. In other words, they believe that is necessary to be circumcised (for hygienic or other reasons) and that all men around the world get circumcised. This is simply not true. Many cultures do not circumcise. It is not a health requirement [see this YouTube-video].

We don’t circumcise girls to be more hygienic. We teach them the importance of personal hygiene. Shouldn’t the same go for boys? There is no reason for intact men to be “dirty”. If it is dirty, wash it, don’t cut it off! Daily hygiene routines requires brushing your teeth, not pulling them.

The inside of the foreskin is made of the same kind of skin you find on the inside of your lips and the inside of your eyelids. We all agree that these surfaces have important functions. Why should we think any less if the foreskin? These surfaces are also highly sensitive and in the case of the penis considerably adds to pleasure during sex. When erect the inside of the foreskin unfolds over the penis shaft adding substantially to the overall sensitivity of the penis structure. Another myth is that circumcised and intact men gain equal pleasure. This is just not possible. When circumcised this highly sensitive zone just isn’t there anymore. Take a pencil and lightly scratch it over the back of your hand. Now lightly scratch it over the palm of your hand. The circumcised man feels the former (back of the hand). The intact man feels the latter (palm). Actually, because circumcision leaves scar tissue, the circumcised man might even feel less! Furthermore, a primary function of the foreskin is to cover and protect the glans penis (the front “head”-part of the penis), like the eyelids that protect the eyeball. With the circumcised penis the glans penis is continually exposed, becomes calloused, dry, dull in appearance and further loses sensitivity. The foreskin is not just a “flap of skin”, it is highly artery rich, highly nerve rich, and has multiple functions.

Other reasons Koreans are encouraged to be circumcised is that it supposedly prevents premature ejaculation and improves the size of the penis. Really?! So the assumption is that most men in Denmark should suffer from premature ejaculation, as circumcision in Denmark is most uncommon. Even if this was the case for Korean men in particular (and I don't know why it should be different for Koreans and not for other men), surely a surgical procedure in which you cut off parts of the male anatomy is not the best solution to prevent premature ejaculation. And far from increasing penis size it actually decreases penis girth, as the outer covering of the penis is stripped away. It may even hamper full erection (read this guys testimony). Circumcision does not improve penis size, probably the inverse.

A different silliness is the idea that circumcision is Christian. Circumcision done for religious reasons by the “Christian” is probably one of the most unchristian things you can do. For ancient Israel the circumcision was a covenant sign of the Messiah that was to come. Christians believe that the Messiah, i.e. Jesus the Christ, did come. Christians continuing the practice of circumcision for religious reasons are in fact proclaiming that the Messiah did not come, hence St. Paul’s rebuke that if you still want to circumcise, why don’t you just go ahead and cut the whole thing off! [Galatians chapter 5 & 6.] Christianity is not against circumcision, it is just against it for religious reasons. St. Paul said that we need not circumcision of the literal penis, but of the figurative heart. The Biblical covenant sacraments for the Christian are the Baptism, the Communion and the Sabbath, not circumcision. In any case, religious circumcision in Korea is unknown, except where done so by ignorant Christians. There are practically no Koreans that participate in the Jewish or Islamic faiths.

So, getting back to peer pressure: Some parents have their sons circumcised so that they would look “like like other men”. What a strange reason if there ever was one. Imagine for a moment a country where it is customary for people to have their left eye poked out. Should parents do that to their children so that they can look the same as everyone else?

Another outrageous (supposedly scientific) claim is that circumcision reduces the infections of HIV/AIDS. What these so-called scientific studies don’t emphasize is that their case studies are given thorough education about HIV/AIDS, which obviously influence their sexual habits. This is not the case for the average “control groups”. Also, such emphasis on “circumcision will lesson your chances of getting AIDS”, may in fact increase licentiousness, causing thinking along the lines of: “I’m circumcised so now I can have lots of unprotected sex.” Circumcision is not a vaccine.

For some short rebuttals against the typical pro-circumcision arguments read the following. And if you can stomach Penn & Tiller's "Bullshit"-series, see this segment on circumcisions, on YouTube.


  1. *cough cough* I am surprised that Koreans were *hack* into this. They often do many things to "be like other people". Just look how many of them get the eye surgery to make their eyes like Westerners. I do wonder if that's also the reason why some of them dye their hair.
    I think this post was interesting.

  2. It's no ones business, except for the owner on how he wants his penis to be. Let him grow up and decide for himself how he wants it.
    I agree with you about circumcision in general - it's a reflection of a disturbed society.

  3. Hi,
    Nice article. I disagree that it is ever appropriate to circumcise a newborn. The RACP (Australia) says there is no valid reason to do it, but IF it is to be done, wait AT LEAST 6 months.

    An post-pubescent male can tolerate stronger pain management, is larger and therefore easier to operate on with precision, is not healing in fouled diapers, can communicate if something doesn't feel just right about the healing, and most importantly, can weigh in on the decision.

    They say the infant procedure is easier, but that's nonsense. It's only true in the sense that doctors are willing to do (and parents are willing to pay for) a shoddy half job of a surgery. The proper method used on adults sutres blood vessels, muscle tissue, and skin in staggered alignment. For the infant, most commonly the loose ends of skin are left to fuse together by chance.

    Google "Circumcision Damage" to see disturbing images of very common under-reported side-effects of this haphazard infant circumcision.

    HIS body HIS decision.

  4. Well I am saying this from the Medical point of view as a Medical student.

    The foreskin has twelve known functions.
    They are: cover and bond with the synechia so as to permit the development of the mucosal surface of the glans and inner foreskin. protect the infant's glans from feces and ammonia in diapers.
    to protect the glans penis from friction and abrasion throughout life. keep the glans moisturized and soft with emollient oils.
    to lubricate the glans. coat the glans with a waxy protective substance. provide sufficient skin to cover an erection by unfolding. provide an aid to masturbation and foreplay. serve as an aid to penetration. reduce friction and chafing during intercourse. serve as erogenous tissue because of its rich supply of erogenous receptors. contact and stimulate the G-spot of the female partner.

    11.Effects of penile reduction surgery (circumcision) on sexual intercourse
    Although still pleasurable for the man, intercourse without the participation of the prepuce lacks the gliding mechanism. The only source of stimulation is the glans rubbing against the wall of the vagina.

    12. The sensations from the specialised receptors of the frenar band, frenulum and inner foreskin layer are missing.

    "With intravaginal containment of the normal penis, the male's mobile sheath is placed within the woman's vaginal sheath. It is impossible to imagine a better mechanical arrangement for non-abrasive stimulation of the male and female genitalia than this slick 'sheath within a sheath.' Circumcision destroys this one sheath within a sheath . . . I would hazard a guess, that dyspareunia [painful intercourse] is more common in the women whose husband is circumcised . . . one would be foolish to discount the circumcised male's immobile penile skin sheath as an ancillary item contributing to vaginal, abrasive discomfort . . . The male with a penis already moderately obtunded by circumcision may be less apt to use a condom, which he feels may further decrease his genital sensitivity . . . because most American males lack a facile prepuce, the period of foreplay and dalliance may be abbreviated in the rush to the intra-vaginal method of penile stimulation. Both these factors conceivably could be of significance in increasing the rate of venereal disease, including AIDS . . . "
    (Say No to Circumcision)

    Its interesting to note that everything that comes from American is adopted without being questioned by certain nationalities.

    Circumcision started in America during the masturbation hysteria of the Victorian Era, when a few American doctors circumcised boys to punish them for masturbating. Victorian doctors knew very well that circumcision denudes, desensitizes, and disables the penis. Nevertheless, they were soon claiming that circumcision cured epilepsy, convulsions, paralysis, elephantiasis, tuberculosis, eczema, bed-wetting, hip-joint disease, fecal incontinence, rectal prolapse, wet dreams, hernia, headaches, nervousness, hysteria, poor eyesight, idiocy, mental retardation, and insanity.4

    In fact, no procedure in the history of medicine has been claimed to cure and prevent more diseases than circumcision. As late as the 1970s, leading American medical textbooks still advocated routine circumcision as a way to prevent masturbation.

    In conlusion due to time constraints I would like to say circumcised or not its a preference its OK .

  5. Hi everyone. Thanks for the contributions.


    Thanks for all the info regarding the advantages of staying intact. This information underscores my post. Please could you include your reference. I'm sure other readers can benefit from this source.

    Saying it is the man’s preference is exactly the point I’m arguing against. Most circumcised men in the world were circumcised as babies, which mean that it was not their decision nor preference, but the decision and preference of their parents. Adult men that get circumcised out of a personal preference are in the minority and for them I guess, it is okay. But that falls outside the scope of my original post, which focuses on pre-teen Korean boys.

    These Korean boys are not doing it because it is really their preference. They are doing it under false beliefs, such as that it is more hygienic, that it is necessary and it’s a universal requirement. Furthermore, they are practically bullied into doing it by peer pressure and the media spreading false ideas; for instance, that non-circumcision can cause “penile or cervical cancer” (

    So I humbly disagree.

    Since it is mostly done in Korea at pre-teen age, I'm wondering whether it is not also an attempt to curb masturbation, similar to the "masturbation hysteria of the Victorian Era" referred to in your comment.

  6. Sanko

    I think as we shared some ideas around this yesterday, how about looking at a bigger picture, I fully noted that your portion of concern is Korean pre-teens. (limited) Your interest needs a thorough research whilst you are still here, personal questionnaires(complete laughs)

    I would probably say the reason for pre-teen circumsion might be korea has been a closed country for decades its starting to open up just for the sake of globalisation. And they are adopting all the rubbish, feeling they are to catchup:-)

    probably circumcision was not of primary concern, as you know its still not allowed to show affection in public,etc

    OK now lets look at circumcision on a bigger scale,











    These are the links
    I think i gave you the other book yesterday on Doctors and .......I have to go

  7. Hi Lindi. To add links in comments you need to give the whole URL; e.g.

  8. I realize this is an old article by now, but I wanted to add to this discussion that there is an organization called foregen ( which is attempting to use the science of regenerative medicine to restore what was lost during circumcision. It is very interesting work, and it is conceivable now that those who were circumcised against their will soon have the choice to regain what was taken from them.
