
Thursday 4 December 2008

Idiom & Proverb Quiz

I gave one of my classes this pop quiz to do today. They had to say whether the explanation for the idiom or proverb is true or false. How well do you know your everyday English idioms?

1. “Birds of a feather flock together” means that it is easy for people of different cultures to communicate with each other.
2. “Out of the blue” refers to an unexpected occurrence.
3. To “beat around the bush” means to communicate clearly and directly.
4. “Spill the beans” means to keep a secret.
5. To be feeling “under the weather” means that the weather outside is terrible.
6. A “golden” opportunity means that circumstances are very expensive.
7. A “white lie” is a lie told by white people.
8. “Get to the point” means to come to the important part of one’s message.
9. When you “throw in the towel” you wash the dishes.
10. If one “faces the music” one accepts the consequences of one’s actions.
11. You are homosexual if you are “in the pink”.
12. When you are getting cold, you are feeling “blue”.
13. To “pull someone’s leg” is to joke about something.
14. “Seeing eye to eye” is to be in agreement.
15. A “slap in the face” is an insult.
16. When something is “out of hand”, it is missing.
17. To “hold one’s tongue” is to keep quiet.
18. To have “butterflies on one’s stomach” is to feel nauseous.
19. A “piece of cake” and “as easy as pie” has the same meaning.
20. “The cream of the crop” is the best people.
21. If something is “fishy”, it has a bad odor.
22. A “hot potato” is an angry person.
23. To “make tracks” is to walk on the beach.
24. A “lemon” is a person with a grumpy face.
25. “Not to have your heart in it” is to be not passionate about something.
26. To “cry over spilled milk” is to worry about something that has already happened
27. Someone that “puts his foot in his mouth” is very flexible.
28. To “lose your head” is to lose control.
29. “Mouth watering food” is very spicy.
30. “You can’t judge a book by its cover” means you should always wear clean clothes.


  1. True: 2,8,10,13,14,15,17,19,20,25,28?

  2. 1. F
    2. T
    3. F
    4. T
    5. F
    6. F
    7. F
    8. T
    9. F
    10. T
    11. F
    12. F
    13. T
    14. T
    15. T
    16. F
    17. T
    18. F
    19. T
    20. T
    21. F
    22. F
    23. F
    24. F
    25. T
    26. T
    27. F
    28. T
    29. F
    30. F
