
Friday 21 November 2008


How does this work? Remember in a previous post I mentioned that various serendipitous circumstances caused me to see the film Across the Universe. Well, here is another example of such strange “chance” – often quite small and insignificant – happenings that I notice in (my) life.

Up until this morning I had no idea what “Appalachia” is – didn’t even know it is a place. While preparing for one of the classes I teach, this word was in the textbook, so I had to look it up. It turns out to be a mountain range in America crossing several states.

Now come tonight; I was reading up on a Christian scholar and philosopher, Clifford Goldstein, and in an interview he says that he likes reading Wallace Stevens poetry. So I thought: let’s read some Stevens. Randomly opening up poems by Stevens, the second poem I read is “Bantams in Pinewood”; it has the following line: “Bristles, and points their Appalachian tangs”. Had I not, purely accidently, looked up what Appalachia is earlier today, I would have had no way of understanding “Appalachian tangs” in this poem – now, a couple of hours later.

How does this happen? Is it purely chance? If so, how often can “chance” happen before it becomes more than coincidence? I am asking this, because such “chance” and “coincidence” happen to me all the time. All the time!

Apart from it happening, my real question is: How does it work? Is it God? If so—to what purpose? It is not as if “Bantams in Pinewood” is a life-changing poem to me.

Image by ThunderChild tm (on Flickr): Creative Commons Image.


  1. I have noticed that when I too, learn a word, it seems like I hear it again soon. I have wondered if maybe it is because my ear is more attuned to hearing it. Yet I may also read it again soon.
    The Appalachian Trail starts on Springer Mountain in Georgia and ends on Mount Katahdin in Maine. It's considered the longest national park in the USA. There is an entire subculture of people who "thru-hike" or "section-hike" the thing every year. They often go by "trai names". I went on the Trail back in high school a few times and my name is "Butterfly". That's why it's in my e-mail address:)

  2. This type of coincidence (sometimes called synchronicity)tends to happen to me a lot too... I don't know it's purpose, but somehow it feels comforting, like everythings alright and going the way it's supposed to. Maybe that's what it's all about...

  3. "Synchronicity", hey? Thanks for that -- I wondered what the correct term for it is.

    Since I posted this post I've experienced some really strange synchronicities. One of which kind of freaked me out a little. Last week I dreamed I was visiting a presidential home, but not to meet the president, rather to visit the presidential driver.

    On Saturday I met the son of a presidential driver. This guy's father was the presidential driver of Dubai.

    How weird is that?!

  4. Synchronicity. 'n Carl Jung term wat hy defineer dit as "meaningful coincidences" Laat my dink aan 'n skool visse wat in 'n blits gelyk rigting verander.

    Dit bestaan beslis, maar ek verstaan dit ook nie.

    Gerustellend om te glo dat dinge gebeuir soos dit moet, maar ek is te opstandig om dit volhartig te wil glo. Ek weet nie mooi waar pas vrye-wil en keuse by die hele prentjie in nie.
