
Friday 28 November 2008

Dying boy's last wish: to feed the homeless


  1. That poor kid. I am glad he got to have his dying wish.

  2. Sanko I like the way you categorise things. Life and Love, thats hand and glove.

    Life, love are the components that quantifies and or qualifies our sense of existance. Just a reflection Jesus out of LOVE came to this world so that we may have LIFE in abundance

    In as much as death brings us to the reallity of the beigginings. For something to die it has to live first.

    Well LIFE then is what you have done for others whilst still alive, not just sitting down and say I AM LONELY AND ALL YOU DO IS TO APPRECIATTE- " I am glad....." other peoples lives. There is so much to be done.

    The worlds oldest person has just dies Edna Parker, some might recognise the name.

    Death Knows no age young and old.I will fullfill the boys wish God is on my side I am sure of that.Thanks for the publication.

  3. What kid? There is no post!? Of is dit soos die koning se klere wat net slim mense kan sien? Hoe gaan daai storie nouweer?

  4. Joa, dis 'n YouTube-video. Dalk laat jou netwerk dit nie toe nie. Jy het die storie van "Die koning se klere" korrek. Daar is vertel dat net slim mense die klere kon sien. Niemand kon dit sien nie (want daar was geen klere nie), maar almal het gemaak of daar klere is omdat niemand wou erken dat hulle dom is nie. Uiteindelik besluit die koning om sy nuwe klere vir die gepeupel te wys en 'n parade word gereël. Die skare juig die pragtige klere toe. Maar een seuntjie, onskuldig in sy jeug, sien g'n klere nie en weet nog nie hoe om vir homself te jok nie. Die seuntjie kyk die gedoente so van onder en voor sy ouers hom kon keer roep hy uit: "Hiert! Die koning is kaal!"
