
Wednesday 15 October 2008

Poll for Self-Portraits

Dear family, friends and visitors.

I'd like to have your feedback. What do you think about my Self-Portraits on this blog? Do you like them? Do they make you uncomfortable? Should I continue with it? Should I cease my aesthetic exhibitionism?

Please cast your vote in the poll on the side. I will leave it up for a couple of days. You can also leave comments to this post.

1 comment:

  1. I think there's nothing wrong with your self-portraits. You are using photography as an art and however you use it is fine. I think you do a good job in them.
    I am a fan of artsy photography myself. I wanted to go to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City before going back to Korea. I once spent 4 1/2 hours in there. I would have been there longer but I had to catch my bus. Anyways, they are having an exhibit called "Photography on Photography". I was set to go and then my friend bailed out because she didn't want to spend the money. I understand.
