
Thursday 9 October 2008

The freedom (or not) of having a (working) PC

A couple of days ago I bemoaned my computer troubles.

I haven't been able to get the Boot CD I needed, but I did something else which seemed to have done the trick. I vacuumed my PC and fidgeted with all the wires, making sure that everything is plugged in properly. And lo and behold! It is working fine again!

I am experiencing some other issues though. I am blocked to many websites -- especially American websites -- from my home computer. On another blog I post all kinds of critique of the US government, so maybe I've been targeted as some kind of anti-America propagandist. Which I am definitely not. I believe that America was blessed by God because of the freedoms they secured in their constitution. And I get really disturbed when I see how those freedoms are eroded away. What I find most upsetting is probably the blase attitude of people. Their freedoms are taken away and they don't even notice it.


  1. Bly om te hoor jou rekenaar werk weer; behalwe vir die verbanning van sommige webwerwe! Ek dink ook daar is baie mense in die wereld wat met oogklappe deur die lewe gaan - hulle besef nie hoeveel van hulle vryhede weggeneem word nie, DAAGLIKS.
    "Wees WAAKSAAM en wag", kom in my gedagtes op..

  2. "Waaksaam..." Is dit ooit 'n begrip wat die moderne mens nog verstaan?
