
Thursday 25 December 2014

Some things I did in November...

The new IFC Mall in Seoul, close by Yeoido, is quite impressive.

Autumn happened and I made peanut butter ...

The real highlight of November, and definitely a highlight of 2014, was my visit to Fukuoka, Japan to go see a sumo wrestling championships.

I slept in one of those tiny little bed-cubicles in a hostel. It felt like a little nest. Loved it. Deserts in Japan, even the ones you just buy at a convenience store are hotel quality. Sushi is definitely better in Japan. Fukuoka is definitely a place I'd enjoy going to again, but the Visa processing is such a hassle that I'm unlikely to go to Japan any time soon again -- definitely not for just a weekend trip.

Thanksgiving was pleasant.

Some things I did in October

This last semester had been unusually stressful. Work, studying and family stuff.

In any case, my vacation has started at last, so let's see if I can remember some of the things I did over the last three months. Here's October...

One day I quickly spent an hour or so at a music festival in the middle of the city, went by a gallery and watched children play and people enjoy the famous Cheongyechen brook that runs through downtown Seoul.

During October I also went to several dance performances, such as Compagnie Linga - "Re-mapping the Body" @ Seoul Arts Center:

I also enjoyed I the Canadian dance compagnie of Virginie Brunelle, and the wonderful Danish Dance Company's "Black Diamond" performance.

Some art at the Gangdong Art Center:

I had to go to the Japanese Embassy (more to follow), so spent an afternoon in Insadong which is close by.

One Sabbath at the international church that I go to sometimes attend I saw this cute scene during congregational prayer:

The gym I train and teach martial arts at moved and my friend got his 4th Dan in WTF Taekwondo: